Faliraki Water Park (Rhodes, Greece)
Apart from the day of Lisa’s wedding, another highlight of the holiday was the trip to Falaraki Water Park. I wasn’t too sure about the combination of Greek sunshine and waterslides before I went. But it proved the trip is definitely worthwhile and we had great fun!!!
我沒有帶相機 要等photos from other people’s cameras.
The website of the Water Park is here
The price of ticket is 20 euros per person which covers unlimited entrance to all the slides in the park.
We took local bus from Lindos to Faliraki. The journey is just over an hour and ticket price is 3 euros one way (bargain!) Faliraki is well known for people to go there and get really drunk (I mean REALLY drunk). It is definitely worthwhile to go to the water park earlier before the drunk people wake up.
穿著swimming suit 走來走去 是另一種體驗
One thing that puts me off is the frequent application of sun-screen and the sun-screen stings my eyes!!! (sun-screens with SPF higher than 30 is essential! Water-proof ones are more ideal!)
We started with the easier option where everyone can have a go- the Wave Pool!
It is simply a huge swimming pool but with wave generator.
Then we went on the more scarier slides such as Black Hole, Rafting slides, and Multi slides.
別看Multi slides 不怎麼可怕
衝到水裡後 girls’ bikini曝光的曝光 蠻好笑的
另一個很可怕的是 Head first mat racer
一排六個人 趴在mat 上 head first,
剛開始不怎麼陡 到三分之一的時候 you suddenly realized you couldn’t see any more slides laying in front of you because there is a huge drop but it is too late to back out or slow down~
I let out of a big scream and performed a superb water-sliding when landed on water!
The water-sliding bit is the most fun part!
The sliding takes off the impact so you won’t hit the water too badly!
Definitely recommended.
After lunch (I must have too much sugar at this stage), I said I will go on the slide of ‘Sting Ray’!!
It looks like the rack people go skate-boarding except you sit on a ring (a sing ring or a double ring).
When I said Ya I will go, all the girls looked at me thought I must be mad!!!
So I went with one of the guys (Adam)on a double ring.
The instructor told me to sit at the front (i.e. back is facing the way going down).
後來Adam 說那時我是一臉驚嚇
Before I had a chance to back off, the instructor had kicked the ring and off we went.
這個動作嚇到adam 他非常好心地提醒我小姐妳的手最好抓緊 the ring!!!
大概有三秒鐘 我是嚇到叫不出來
因為 we were in free fall and had no contact with any surface!!
直到著地後 I let out a terrified scream!
Then the rest of the slide is actually quite pleasant.
We swing and swing before we landed on water.
爬出pool 時 我還在抖.
I was trying to persuade other girls to give a go but I don’t think I will have the guts to try it again!
But it is definitely fun!!!!
曬了一天 曬的非常的黑