Today I really hate the weather in Edinburgh.
It's Good Friday today. Kids should be out in the park doing Easter eggs hunting. They can't because it is snowing. Yes, you are right. It is snowing! Easter means spring. It shouldn't snow in spring. I am looking out of my window and can't see very far because it is snowing right now.

爐子上煮著薑湯, 暖氣開到最大 抱著一盒面紙擦著已經紅紅的鼻子, 腳上穿著毛毛鞋 放假我卻在家生病...

只要給我sunshine and warmth, 希臘土耳其 或是把我丟到沙漠裡我都會很開心! 春天 你到底在哪裡?? (Are we going to have any weather apart from winter??)


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